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Libya || How a human body parts farm was discovered, men, women, and children locked in small cages.

Writer's picture: KiAfriqaKiAfriqa

As reported by, the troops of Libyan-American warlord Marchal Khalifa Haftar released recently more than 2,500 black African men, women, children, and babies from a human body parts farm.

This source reported that all these humans were locked in small cages limiting their movements like wild beasts. They were all in a bad state and some had no eyes and all bore stigmata of gross surgery.

According to the report, a black market for all kinds of human body parts was created in Libya and this heinous business is booming. A kidney costs as cheap as $ 262,000, the heart costs $ 119,000 and the liver costs $ 157,000.

As reported, Marshal Haftar’s troops found the sum of two billion dollars in cash in this appalling place.

Though we were unable to verify this source, the story of Ikuenobe documented by BuzzFeed News shows how slavery is thriving in Libya, where thousands of black Africans hoping to get to Europe instead find themselves bought and sold, forced to work for nothing, and facing torture at the hands of their owners.

Jude Ikuenobe, who says he wascaptured by men who brutally assaulted him.

Libya has always been the stepping-off point for migrants, but Gaddafi used to control the numbers of migrants. However, since Gaddafi's death, migrants routes have opened up again.


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Feb 04, 2020

Larez Moody......Those structures arent in place to HELP Black countries. Its a cover-up to steal resources. They give 20 with one hand and take 50 with the other. Look it up. Every single one of them.


Feb 04, 2020

Keep giving them hell! I can only imagine why those surgeries were botched. We are not docile people. Keep fighting for your legacies! We are with you! The Ancestors are with you! You are truly free, Libya! You are strong!


Alfonso Andrew Lemones
Alfonso Andrew Lemones
Jan 26, 2020

Nothing More then devils literally that walks upon this forsaken Realm Take Heed


Enoch Mubarak
Enoch Mubarak
Jan 26, 2020

THE TRUTH IS ......Those are and were young, strong, able-bodied black men so whatever happened to ...."Death before dishonor",.... "over my dead body,"... "I have not yet begun to fight",... "if i can't be treated as a human being I will die like a man"... "they will have to pry my gun from my cold, dead fingers"... Courage here and abroad is what black men is missing ...... GRADE F.


Larez Moody
Larez Moody
Jan 23, 2020

What truly hurts is the UN and others know this is happening and will not intervene.

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